Do You Care? Pt. 2

4 Levels of Involvement

  1. Don’t Know, Don’t Care
  2. Know, Don’t Care
  3. Know, Care, But Don’t Act
  4. Know, Care, and Act
You and I are at one of these levels of involvement concerning the lost, the poor, the needy, and the broken. These levels are based on 3 factors:
  1. knowledge (of the need/issue)
  2. emotional resonance (how much it moves your heart)
  3. action(how much it affects what you do)

Knowledge is the easiest factor to change. Emotional resonance is the most commonly professed. Action is the least commonly present. Most settle at Level-3 involvement.

  • What level of involvement am I at?
  • What do most settle for Level-3 involvement?
  • What can I do to maintain a broken heart for the broken-hearted?
  • What can I DO to ACT on this heart and not just CARE?

Monday, February 9, 2009