You're Hip, You're Edgy, You're Failing

So these are some things I've been pondering today:

  1. How do we marry creativity/marketing with the Gospel?
  2. How can we reach people effectively without sacrificing the message (or without missing God altogether)?
  3. How can we push to maximize our resources for His kingdom without loving them or leaning on them?
  4. How do we (staff/leadership/volunteers) maintain focus (the “why”)?
  5. How do we ensure THEY (the people) understand the “why”?

In my opinion, these are some HUGE thoughts concerning "modern" ministry:
  • In all things, ask WHY you are doing it. If it just to be “hip” or “trendy” then it is shallow.
  • If you offer excellence but not His presence, then you just have an audience!!!!
  • You can throw all the money in the world into lighting, sound, cameras, presentations, conferences, etc., but you cannot buy God’s presence.
  • If you don’t have God’s hand on what you’re doing, it doesn’t matter how many people you have. You’ve failed.
  • God’s not interested in your methods or styles. He doesn’t care that you’re “edgy.” It’s a moving target anyway. He wants hearts. Period.

Friday, March 6, 2009